Wednesday, June 10, 2009

First Monthly Garden Meeting

We have monthly garden meetings at 7PM on the second Monday of each month to touch base and address any questions, issues or upcoming events pertaining the the garden. Our first meeting was Monday, June 8 and the agenda included the Falcon Heights Ice Cream Social, service tasks in the garden, and MN Green plant donations.

1. Falcon Heights Ice Cream Social: This yearly event takes place at Community Park on Thursday, July 30 from 6-8PM. This is a community-wide event and a great way to publicize the community garden. We invite all gardeners to attend the event and stand near their plots to answer questions from other Falcon Heights residents.

2. Service Tasks for the Community Garden: We are still looking for suggestions for service tasks for the garden. Somethings that have come up and are still in need of volunteers are turning the compost in the bins, weed scouting (reminding gardeners to keep their plots free of weeds), and representing the garden at the Falcon Heights Ice Cream Social (see above). If you are a garden member and have any other suggestions or would like to volunteer for the above suggestions, please contact Jean.

3. MN Green Plant Donations: MN Green is an organization that helps coordinate donations to TC area community gardens. The next pick-up for MN Green donations is tomorrow, Thursday, June 11. Wendy Illick has agreed to represent our garden at the donation site and will be picking up what she can. If you have any requests, please contact her and she will try to pick up what you asked for. Otherwise, she plans to pick up a variety of plants and will drop them off at the garden tomorrow afternoon or evening. Please remember that these plants MUST be planted in the community garden and are not for use in home gardens. She also plans to pick out some plants to place in the common areas.